Friday, June 13, 2008

The Beginning of summer

You know its the beginning of summer when school ends, t-ball season ends, the roses begin to blossom and bedtime starts after 9:30 instead of 8:00. You have to buy more than one swimsuit because thats all my kids wear during the summer..the play in the water everyday. The park becomes a daily routine. Oh and popcicles is one of the daily food groups.

OH how I love summer!

This was Aiden's last day of preschool it was circus day and got to dress up. He wanted to dress up like superman. I have to say he was the cutest superman...micah did the final touch with his hair it was cute.

I think I got the pink eye from petting these horses that live down the street mason makes me take him there at least twice a day. But since the pink eye I won 't touch them. Mason keeps saying pet him, pet him. I'm like sorry.

Having fun at the park here are some pictures from the other day we took cousin quincy since his parent were at primarys with his sister getting eye surgery. We watched him all day..they had a blast.

....until someone gets hurt, Aiden started throwing sand on Mason

and paybacks aren't fun, then Mason threw sand on Aiden. Time to go home!!!


lindsey v said...

I love summer bed time too. You just have to stay outside late during the warm summer nights.
That Superman curl is the BEST! So cute!

tammy said...

Sand in the eye sucks!!!! Love the pictures.

Kim said...

Looks like you have been busy! Cute Pics!