The birds and the bees... isn't six just a little too young. We have been telling Aiden that babies come out of the belly button...ya I know! but really we didn't tell him that he just came to his own conclusion and we just went with it. So anyhoo him and micah were watching something I'm not sure what it was, but a mom just had a baby and the baby was huge and Aiden looks at Micah and said pointing down to his own belly button..."that came out of one of these"!!!! Oh dear!!!! I'm so not ready to explain we will just again, Nod our heads and go with it.
The ladies man.....
Mason has been asking for the last few months for his friend Andy from school to come play with him. First of all I don't know who Andy is and I don't know his number so I asked his teacher if it would be ok if I got Andy's number, so they could have a play date. His teacher gave Micah a sticky with Andy's number on it. Micah took a second glance at it and said "Mason is Andy a girl or a boy" and Mason replied in sarcasm "a girl dad"! It was spelled Andi on the sticky. I just had to laugh, this whole time we thought it was a little boy. I guess he's starting out young and likes the girlies already. He also always talks about Nikki and Chloe from school. Those are the kids he only plays with ...what can I say He's a ladies man. Yikes!!!!
Mike + Mike's Kenz, GET MARRIED!
11 years ago