Tuesday, May 26, 2009

prego vs not prego

Okay so is it true or false.....do most pregnant moms have episodes where they just loose it and just start crying or getting mad over something really stupid? I honestly say that I am blaming it on being pregnant. Seriously I just had a jerry springer episode. I feel kind of bad but not really the sad part is I know I owe someone an appology but I'm pregnant and do I really have to say I'm sorry for my actions while being prego ...I mean isn't there something that says always say your sorry when you hurt someone except when you are prego because you can not control your actions or emotions. I think there is if not there should be. I for one am especially more sensitive and emotional than usual. I really think spouses need to take a 101 course" what to expect from a pregnant wife and how to treat her when she gets all bent out of shape" NOTE...argueing back is not the answer!!!! trust me the prego mom turns into prego monster.

I'm not sure why I'm posting this but I guess I have to say I'm a little bit sorry and I also needed to define why I acted this way and hopefully to know that I'm not the only one who is crazy when prego!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Woo hoo, today I graduated from jetblue university....which means I start my shift and then in three more weeks I can work from home...no more driving!!!! I will miss my class I was one of 6 out of 30 that didn't speak spanish. The plus of being in a spanish class is they are the friendliess people ever!!!!!! They know how to cook which made me look dumb during lunch here I pull out my smart one from the fridge and they bring out there empanadas and rice and asparagus ...seriously I was so jealous. OH crap they just turned on some techno and ...no please no...yep they are making us dance to get our diploma...I have no rythm whats so ever.....yep I just made a full out of myself my face is temporarily red right now.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Mason!!!!!!!

3 months old 10 months old

1 years old

1 1/2 yrs old

2 1/2 yrs
I can not believe my baby is three.....seriously I thought Aiden grew up fast but Mason just snuck by. Crazy!!! He is such a little joy to be around he loves to be the goof ball of the family probably because he likes to make people laugh and then when he does he gets really shy and embarrased. He is one of those kids that are really shy and intimid by others but once you get to know him thats when the teasing begins he loves to tease and thinks its hilarous when people try to tickle him ....what kid likes to be tickled and to be chased? uhm only mason. He loves to make up games and play games he loves to play his hungry hungry hippo and always beats mommy.

His favorite things to do.....

Puzzles... again and again and again and then redo it again. Yes mom can put his puzzles together in less than one minute now.

He loves to ride his scooter that was his favorite thing to do until a few weeks ago when he finally learned how to pedal on his own and now he loves to ride his thomas bike.

He also alternates his scooter, and bike with his mcqueen powerwheels which he will go for hours on that thing. The things we buy our kids to keep them entertained is priceless....

Ultimately he loves to play with his mqueen cars i think he has collected almost all of them now.

He has a love and hate for his nursery class..sunday morning he notices that the day is a little bit different has a suspicion that its church day he will ask and then its none stop crying "i don't want to go to church" until he gets into his class and then he is all smiles when you pick him up. His teacher says he is the only one that loves to sing. I'm not sure where he got that from but I'm glad.

He is such a good kid and truly a loveable little boy he loves to make people happy and has such a sincere and very sensitive heart you just look at him the wrong way and he will cry. So I don't have to use timeout very often.

He loves loves books and movies and loves to role play every movie.....his new one is hes Bolt and I'm Penny and dads the green eyed man and Aiden is Rhino and he acts out Bolt so good. He also loves to play Batman but only when he has his special cape on. Every day he asks us who we are going to be for today but usually I'm Penny.

His favorite word is Poop and fart I don't know where he got those from but he over uses those two words to the point where I'm embarrased because he always says it. He says he is Mason poop Magleby and Daddy is Micah fart Magleby...yes I know our kids are so proper but they only learn from the best...there Dad!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Back to work!!

After a year of trying to get on with jetblue since I got hired last January and then they stopped all hiring because of gas prices I finally got on last week...woohoo!!! They called at a perfect time too. I started last week so this is my third day of full time work. I am so not used to it since I have been home with my kids for over a year. It's sad to not spend every minute with them and I'm always wondering what they are doing but I'm only gone for 6 weeks then I get to work from home. Hopefully it all works out since it has to be quiet during my shift. I'm excited. Micah is way excited to be able to fly for free although i'm not quite sure when that will happen since it's hard to get a day off.

I have to say I am ready for bed and it's only 5:30 but I guess being awake at 4:30 am will do that to you. Anyways I'm off to Masons t-ball and then hopefully off to bed...oh the sound of that sounds so relaxing I can't wait.