Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

What a crazy day, doing your last minute shopping, last minute wrapping cleaning the house and it doesn't help that I slipped on black ice and hurt my tail bone...that hurts so bad I have sympathy for people with bad backs. You are limited to doing very little things. This year we had christmas eve at the magleby's we do it every other year christmas day and then christmas eve and this time we had it early ......1:00 and I'm retarded and thought that it was at 2:00 but that was my side of the family time on christmas day I got them mixed up. So we were way late. But luckily we didn't miss our favorite part of our special christmas program that Grandma pam and grandpa dale do every year. I love it and truly brings the meaning of christmas to the heart. This year Aiden instead of being the shepherd he was a cute donkey which he loved and Mason instead of a wisemen this year was a cute shepherd. I will have to get the pics from my brother-in-law cory. He took some good ones of my kids. We had a good time.
And then we went to Grandma kumps to have my family party and open up way to many presents that grandma gets .....seriously after grandma nancy's gifts we should tell santa claus to skip us. Finally we got the kids to bed about midnight they were too busy playing with cousins. Which is good because they slept in until about 8:00 am.

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