Saturday, May 31, 2008


Really why do I bother.....I spent all day deep cleaning my house scrubbing floors and walls I need to do it more often but I think why? so in a few seconds Mason will spill all of his lunch, breakfast or dinner on the kitchen floor ( he spills everything) and then drip his sippy cup through the house, or Harley ( dog) will take a sippy cup off the kids table and chew the lid right off so it spills all over the carpet or get into the garbage can and drag it all through the house when we are not home. Or boys not concentrating on gross!!!!! Yes this it what happened right after I spent hours cleaning. Ugh!! But then I think feels so nice to have a spotless house for just a moment ...yes only moments I say, because thats how long my house stays spotless after cleaning up. I figure thats my job....but sometimes i dream that I can be like samantha on bewitch and with a twitch of my nose...walla the house is clean. Oh how nice would that be but I will just continue dreaming.

1 comment:

sinika said...

I love the picture on the side of Mason flying the kite. I want to blow it up and put it in a frame- it's SO cute!!