Monday, September 22, 2008

stupid infomercials

Okay so my husband is the only one that knows my weakness when it comes to infomercials. I am so bad I am one of those that gets sucked in. "yep a sucker!" For example proactive it! right when it first came out...uhm the bouncy work out it, the ab it! uhm what else the list can go on...i'm getting better at not watching them ...but i don't know i just saw the one for anti aging I was so tempted but ignored it But then the beach body advertisement came on and since we are headed to the beach house next week in california I thought I better start working out again I bought it a month ago and actually have been religiously doing it for the past 3 weeks... I am so bummed I haven't seen a change ....LIARS!!!! oh in just 3 weeks and only 10 min a day get the body you want...WHATEVER! !!!! and i've been doing it for 30 minutes a day. I'm still sticking to it since it's kind of fun so maybe in 6 months I might see a change who knows by then I will probably be prego again and it wont matter. I do see a little difference in my arms but thats it. maybe i should just stick to walking my dog for exercise.


Jessica said...

I'm a sucker too. We have the miracle blades and the little things that help you do push ups and I even bought these shakes that are supposed to help you lose weight. I get all hyped up when I see that stuff on TV, and then it's always crap. Stupid infomercials!

tammy said...

Well I bought that detoxer that is supposed to make you poop tar. It didn't work.

The Todds said...

You crack me up! I made my first infomercial purchase a few weeks ago and it never showed up! But they didnt charge me so o-well.