Monday, November 3, 2008

My family

Last night we got invited for dinner at the Thornes. I have to say it was a humbling evening. There are some people who I hear that don't have the best relationships with there in-laws. I for one Love them with all my heart, I seriously could not live without them. There is so much love and peace when we are together I love being around them and hearing there
testimonies of our faith they all have such strong spirits. They truly inspire me to become a better person because of there examples. I truly admire my mother-in-law. First for raising 6 kids by the age of 31. I can't even imagine. She has so much to offer and is always willing to do anything for you. She is such a worry wart but thats what I love most about her because she cares so much about everyone around her. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be a picture fanatic with my kids. She got me into scrapping booking.
The same for my dear father-in-law who is the most talented dad I know. He can pretty much do anything and has done everything. It is so crazy even though Micah is adopted I have to say they are two peas in a pod.
Now that I am in tears. I just have to say I am truly blessed with a wonderful family on all sides.


Josh and Erika Thorne Family said...

Tonya, you are so sweet. I couldn't agree more, my parents are pretty remarkable people! I have been thinking of them all morning and I find my self all choked up as I think about them and how much I love them. Thanks again for coming to dinner. It was fun to hang out with you guys!

Joby, Julie, Cru and Sage said...

Tonya! I just added you to my page. Now that I have a kid coming in 6 days....I felt the urge to create a blog though joby and I have made fun of them for years. We caved. were hypocrites. Your kids are freaking adorable! It will be fun being a virtual family. Now I can stay updated on you.

Heidi said...

That is so awesome that you have such a great relationship with them. They seem like they are a wonderful family.
We made our blog private, I need your email so I can send you an invite, whatever you use to log into blogger. I sent one to Micah cuz I don't have your email for some reason. My email is
Talk to you soon!
Wanna go out this weekend, hopefully we'll have our hubbies back!