Saturday, June 21, 2008

Herriman Rodeo

If i have to say at least one thing i like about were we live is the fireworks....There are four rodeos during the months of june and after every rodeo they do fireworks which are really good. The rodeo park is just down the street so all we do is put a blanket in our yard and we are set, no driving, no traffic. I love it. This last time i think i scared mason we weren't quite ready for the fireworks we were babysitting four other neighbor kids so our house was pretty crazy. Then all of a sudden we heard the booms. I was like ahh hurry hurry lets get out before we miss them I gathered up all the kids and ran outside and I think i scared poor mason he wouldn't look at them he kept saying "no fireworks mason's bed". He was ready for bed!
The other night we actually went to the rodeo since Mason loves horses so much. I can't believe but they actually sat through most of it. They liked it when the guys got bucked off the horses.

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