Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A day at the Farm

We had to take advantage of this nice day we had today ..not too hot just perfect with a little bit of rain. So we went to Thanksgiving point to see the animals...Although Mason was disappointed when there were no "eleefents" he got over it when he
saw the "nays" (horses) and he found a baby billy goat. They were so good too they didn't fight or anything it was just a nice peaceful day. It was a day I would call "perfect"
I didn't know that you could either ride the wagon or the pony rides. Thank goodness some little boy gave Aiden his ticket so he could ride the pony ride too...and Mason just wanted broder to go on the ponies. He just kept saying "broder botch"....which means brother watch. He was content just watching Aiden ride the pony he was too scared. It was cute! Then it poured and rained its a good thing we were done. OH and on the wagon ride Aiden had to bring his ipod seriously you wouldn't think he was only 4 . He just sat there listening like a teenager would do.

Then of course we had to stop at the Thanksgiving point Deli and get some treats...oh Cheesecake, lemon bars ...soooo yummy!!!!

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