Wednesday, July 9, 2008

oh my goodness

As I sit here paying some bills today. I notice that my kids are being really quiet in the play room. I look down the hall and saw Aiden cleaning up the play room. I almost started to cry. I think this is the first time that he has ever cleaned without me asking him to do so. It's so cute I can see his little feet walking back and forth from room to room putting things away. Mason just came to me..clean? I said are you guys cleaning up and responded with a uhha! And now Mason just turned on his play vaccuum.

Another cute story...
So last sunday Aiden came in from outside and said mom, mom I stopped the rain and I'm like huh? He replied, ya I stopped the rain I blessed it. Oh you prayed for it to stop and he said, ya I said a prayer twice and it stopped, now we can go for a bike ride. So Aiden and I went for a bike ride it was thundering and I was a little scared it was going to down pour but he was very confident and kept telling me Mom it's NOT going to rain I told Heavenly Father to stop the rain. He was right it never rained. But then it got way to hot and I ended up putting him and his little bike on my bike and pushing them up the hill all the way home I about died, so HOT!

1 comment:

lindsey v said...

Cute little boys!!

I can't believe your last post! How do these things always happen to you?!? Ha ha!