Sunday, July 6, 2008

It could only happen to me

There are only a few people who really know the true me.....meaning how accident prone I am. Although since I have been married the percentage of freak accidents or shall I say embarrasements have gone down a ton. My childhood friends were over the other night and reminded me of all the things that I have done or happened to me...that I completely forgot about. I can't believe they remembered. For example I was hiking one time and slipped and fell on a big water pipe -which I think it was and landed horsey stile on the pipe - yep that left a bruise. There are so many more but anyway yesterday I was driving Micah's truck and the windows were down and I was turning around in a neighborhood cirle and all of a sudden I heard a popping sound and before I knew it I was drenched from head to toe and I was in a TRUCK! I ran over a 5 gallon plastic can full of water and used fireworks. It was like an explosion - water and empty tubes of fireworks went through the window of the truck. Oh and the smell was horrid. I was so soaked and I stunk so bad. Hopefully it was early enough in the day that noone saw me or at least I hope noone saw me.

1 comment:

Tamara with a "T" said...

You have the most adorable family! I loved reading your stories and your little boys are so dang cute!!